Convince – Synonyms, Definition & Another Word for Convince

Convince is a verb meaning to cause someone to believe firmly in the truth of something. It is often used when trying to persuade or assure others. Understanding its synonyms, definition, and usage can enhance your vocabulary.

Synonyms for Convince

  • Persuade
  • Assure
  • Win over
  • Sway
  • Influence

Definition & Meaning for Convince

To convince means to make someone agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something. It involves using arguments or evidence to induce a change in thinking.

Another word for Convince in a Sentence

Looking for another way to say “convince”? Here are some options:

  • She managed to persuade them to accept the proposal.
  • The evidence will assure you of our innocence.
  • He was able to win over even the most skeptical audience members.
  • His speech swayed many voters to support his campaign.
  • She had the ability to influence people’s opinions effortlessly.

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